A Croydon primary school where there’s an “increase in the use of suspension” has been given a "requires improvement" rating after its latest Ofsted inspection.

Kenley Primary School was rated as requiring improvement in the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and a good rating in early years provision.

The school was inspected on June 6 and 12, 2024, and the report was published on July 19.

Inspectors found that pupils are “generally happy” at Kenley Primary School but said their “experiences and love for learning vary”.

They noted that the school “strives for pupils to have ambition and to take responsibility for their choices”.

However, they noted that this was “not implemented consistently across the school” which means pupils' behaviour is “not positive across some year groups”.

They said pupils “generally behave well” in the playground and praised the school for making sure pupils have a trusted adult who they can go to should they have a concern.

Ofsted felt that the needs of certain pupils weren’t met.

In the report, inspectors said: “Teachers do not securely meet the needs of all pupils with SEND.

“Over time, too many pupils’ individual needs have not been met.

“The appropriate adaptations to pupils’ learning are not securely in place.

“This means that some pupils with SEND do not access the aims of the curriculum securely.”

Inspectors also said that too many pupils’ behaviour during the academic year “has not been positive”.

They added: “Some people disrupt learning and take part in behaviour that does not match the school’s expectations.

“This has led to an increase in the use of suspensions.”

Ofsted acknowledged that the school is working to improve behaviour through new policies and procedures.

Despite this, they still found that “behaviours and attitudes to learning still vary across the school.”

Ofsted praised the early years system, stating that “children follow routines well”.

Ofsted noted that “parents and carers have been critical of the school’s working relationship with them” but they acknowledged that Kenley Primary School is working with parents to improve these relationships.