Time is running out for residents and businesses in Sutton to have their say on the future development of the borough.

Sutton Council is in the final days of a consultation process aimed at gathering opinions to help shape the borough’s development over the next 15 years.

The Council is seeking input to update the Sutton Local Plan, a crucial document that will guide planning and development decisions across the borough.

Originally adopted in 2018, the Local Plan sets out the vision for development, addresses key issues, and identifies the borough's needs.

It also provides detailed policies for making planning decisions and highlights potential sites for development.

According to the National Planning Policy Framework, such plans must be reviewed at least every five years to determine if updates are necessary.

This ongoing consultation, in the form of an online survey, opened on Thursday, July 25, and will close on September 26.

It represents the first stage of public engagement in the process of updating the Local Plan.

This is the last chance for residents and businesses to share their views on the borough’s planning issues in this survey.

The feedback collected will help shape the draft document, which will be published for further consultation in 2025.

Survey participants can take the survey online via the Council’s website. You are not required to answer all the questions and can choose to focus on the topics most relevant to you.

The Council is seeking feedback from a wide range of participants, including residents, local businesses, regional partners, and professionals in planning and transport.


Don’t miss this opportunity to influence the future of Sutton. Your input is vital in ensuring that the updated Local Plan reflects the needs and desires of the community.