A pastor from Croydon has been jailed for sexually abusing a 10-year-old girl.

Aniekan Akpan, a pastor at the Christ Paradise Church near Old Kent Road, was described as a well-respected member of the community. 

But the 47-year-old has been found guilty of 12 offences related to the sexual abuse of a girl beginning when she was 10-years-old. 

At his sentencing hearing on Monday (September 9) an impact statement from the victim was read out. 

She said: “It really messed me up. It has affected the way I see older men and I feel uncomfortable around men now. I don’t think I’ll be able to fix that part of my life.” 

She added: “I never want to see him out on the street ever again.” 

Despite his conviction Akpan, of St James in Croydon, continues to deny the offences. 

Judge Ian Darling, sentencing Akpan at Inner London Crown Court, said Akpan subjected the victim to “all manner of touchings”. 

“Tragically, she describes in her evidence that she got so used to it going on that she didn’t tell anyone. One of the reasons she said she didn’t tell anyone was that she didn’t think they would believe her,” Judge Darling said. 

“She was only 10-years-old and could not have begun to understand what was going on.” 

Aniekan AkpanAniekan Akpan (Image: Met Police) Judge Darling sentenced Akpan to 15 years in custody with an extended licence period. 

He described Akpan as a manipulative predator who poses a threat to any young girl he has contact with and explained that the extended sentence was necessary to protect the public. 

Akpan will serve at least 10 years before the parole board can consider him for release and if he is released him will remain on licence until the end of the 20 years. 

He must also sign the sex offenders’ register for life.