Exactly a year ago...

...I had just been dumped by my boyfriend of a year and a half and, while the histrionics were nothing compared with the mostly self-inflicted suffering I went through over my first boyfriend, I was spending my days feeling utterly wretched and it was a long and gruelling process to get over it.

...I was in a job that I no longer wanted to be in. I could expand, but I won’t – suffice to say I didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere, and I was unmotivated and unhappy.


...I have the sweetest, kindest, most lovely man that I get to call my very own, and who I’m planning all kinds of adventures with.

...I got promoted today! I’d known it was possibly in the pipeline, but nothing was set in stone. But our editor called me into the office this morning and said “I might possibly be about to make your day.” And she did. When she mentioned the increase in my salary (which I’d only imagined would be about £2k more – I was wrong), I nearly fell off my chair.

...and I’m wearing a particularly sexy new pair of shoes that I have managed to remain vertical in all day, despite a ludicrously high heel.

So, in conclusion – YAY!!!