Watch any disaster film and it will always be the Americans saving the day. They come in with their troops, ballistic missiles and in some way save the whole Earth from destruction. By some twist of fate when the world is actually in danger it isn’t the fault of the Japanese, Germans or even Iraqis... it is the Americans!

We have heard the name of this real life disaster many times before. It plagues the work place, shouted all over the news and gets worse when you leave your television on standby. You have guessed right, its global warming.

I have to admit now I hate the global warming movement in this country. Little green people who hold up signs proclaiming “save the ants!” seem like pests in themselves. The media cries out our ever looming doom whilst Al Gore receives a Nobel peace prize. Al Gore has received the prize for alerting the public of a mere theory, surely the peace prize could have been given to someone who has done active work rather than a load of scientific research?

The way in which our nanny government deals with climate change is ridiculous. We are told to save electricity and to use public transport, both of which many people can’t be bothered to do. For starters saving electricity sounds like a great idea but it’s just not practical in any way, shape or form. The likelihood of electricity being saved is complete rubbish as on small scale levels the power plant will still be outputting the same usage, so instead power will go to waste. With the added inconvenience of replacing all the bulbs around the house with energy efficient ones drives me particular mad. When I turn the light on I want light instantly, not to wait for a further ten minutes.

It goes without saying the issues of public transport replacing our cars. For small scale travelling buses are the ideal form of public transport. However in the mornings they are usually crammed full of people, you would be more likely to win the lottery than find a seat which is free. As the public complain so much about buses there is now an extensive rule guide plastered to the wall instructing all sorts of rules whilst travelling. This makes the bus more of a prison than a convenient travel option. Of course there are many other ways global warming threatens our lives but for the sake of your and my sanity, I won’t delve into them.

I was going to use the evidence to show that America is doing the most global warming but then I would be wrong. Turns out, in an unfortunate series of events, that China is now number one polluter of the planet.

The problem is that I’m in full support for China’s industrial revolution, sorry green people but sometimes coal power plants are better than biodegradable packaging.