The author of a cookbook with a difference will teach Sutton cooks to use up all leftovers to prevent food waste.

Kate Colquhoun, 44, author of the Thrifty Cookbook – 476 Ways to Eat Well With Leftovers, will be at the Sutton Library in May to give advice on shopping, sell by dates, keeping useful store cupboards, how to make compost and tips on how to extend the life of food and how to make wrinkly fruit, languishing vegetables and leftover meat go further.

Mrs Colquhoun said: “I’ll be coming down and doing a little talk on why it’s really important to cut down on the amount of food we waste and also to share tips on how to use all leftovers.

“The idea behind the Thrifty Cookbook is to teach how to make really delicious and tasty food with whatever leftovers you’ve got.”

She will be reinforcing the importance of taking domestic responsibility for our food waste mountain, which is enough to fill Wembley Stadium to the brim eight times a year and rising – more than the total waste from supermarkets.

The methane caused by rotting food in landfill is a potent greenhouse gas, so cutting our food waste could make CO2 savings equivalent to taking one in five cars off the road.

Mrs Colquhoun said: “I’ve been campaigning widely on the environmental impact of wasting viable food for the last two years.”

Thrifty Cookbook will be available for sale at the event at Sutton Library, on May 14, at 7pm.

Mrs Colquhoun will talk to the public and do a booksigning session.

For more information, contact Anita Myatt on 020 8770 4771 or

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