The mother of the 16-year-old girl whose birthday party was wrecked by young thugs has spoken out both against the hooligans who destroyed the evening, and the police.

She claims that rather than stop the gatecrashers, the police arrested the woman’s husband and brother-in-law as they tried to intervene to stop innocent partygoers from being hurt.

The woman, who does not want to be named for fear of reprisals, also alleges police did nothing while her sisters were assaulted.

One of them needed hospital treatment for her injuries.

No action was taken against their assailants but both victims were given cards telling them to contact the police if they wanted to press charges.

Her husband and her brother-in-law were arrested while they tried to shepherd a group of partygoers who had wandered outside the pub back indoors away from the violence outside, she claims.

She is to lodge a formal complaint against the police about the incident on April 3 at Stoneleigh Broadway when a group of youths tried to gatecrash her daughter’s party.

The incident was attended by officers from both Surrey Police and the Met.

“It was horrific – a night from hell,” she said.

The woman said she was furious that a properly organised, closely supervised, soft drinks-only party for her daughter should have descended into violence.

There had been two incidents in Stoneleigh Broadway earlier in the evening.

In one of the incidents a member of staff at the Co-op had been assaulted.

Then, she claimed, six cars drew up outside the Stoneleigh pub where her daughter’s party was being held.

“There were hammers, all sort of tools in the back of the cars, but the police did nothing,” she alleged.

Her husband and brother-in-law tried to get some of the partygoers who were standing outside the pub back inside, she said.

One of the gatecrashers claimed that bottles were thrown at him during the incident.

The mother said: “I am absolutely disgusted. They (the gatecrashers) started throwing things at us and we got mixed up in it all – it was complete madness.”

A spokesman for Surrey police said that a 35-year-old and a 38-year-old man had been arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage and had been bailed.

• What do you think? Were you at the party? Let us know in the comments section below.