A Richmond pub has become the latest victim of the economic downturn, but the Twickenham Tup seems to have been saved for the moment.

The Brittania, in Brewers Lane, has called time for good after going into administration for the second time in less than a year.

It is believed Innventive Operations, which also closed the popular Twickenham Tup on April 15, suffered a loss in business across its UK pubs.

Manager Tim Brown said: “We just did not have the footfall outside the pub we had two years ago, and coupled with a lack of investment in the business we just could not go on.

“About 50 regulars are absolutely gutted. Even more than me to be honest, because for them it’s a place they come to for a catch up and as we don’t know when it will reopen they are incredibly disappointed.”

Mr Brown, who had to lay off all eight staff, must pack up and clear out of the pub within a month.

He said the building was in desperate need of maintenance, with a leaky roof and poor kitchen facilities.

It is estimated 39 pubs across the UK close each month and head of the Hounslow and Richmond Campaign for Real Ale, Brian Kirton, said 25 pubs in the borough are teetering on the edge of closing their doors.

The Twickenham Tup has been bought by new owners and will reopen on Monday.