Kingston Council supports the Green Guardian Campaign and is committed to raising awareness of environment issues and taking practical steps to help prevent and adjust to climate change.

To demonstrate this, the council is putting environmental issues at the top of the agenda by with the creation of a new Climate Change and Sustainable Travel Group.

The new team brings together dedicated staff which have been already working on key environmental and transport issues into one pooled resource where they can share expertise and work together more effectively.

The new team will also strengthen our partnership working with community groups and businesses who will be key in developing and delivering our Energy and Climate Change Strategies.

The team will also be working with residents, schools and businesses to provide practical help and advice on how everyone can play a part in reducing our ecological footprint by making simple changes in what we buy and how travel.

We are committed to the Green Guardian Campaign so that together we can bring the ‘green’ message to as many residents and businesses as possible and help everyone make informed choices about how to protect the local and global environment.

You can contact the new team by emailing