A father-of-two has challenged himself to climb Mont Blanc next Friday to raise money for the National Society for Epilepsy.

Karl Donnan, from Great Bookham, is doing the hike for his one-year-old son Ross, who was born with a rare and, as yet, undiagnosed form of epilepsy.

Intrepid Mr Donnan will be climbing the mountain with his friend Richard Chapman, whose own son Archie died of a brain tumour when was 14-months-old.

Mr Donnan said: “We hope their work may provide a breakthrough to help Ross.”

He was initially hoping to raise £4,810, £1 for each metre of Mont Blanc, but he has now converted it to feet due to phenomenal support, giving an increased total £15,781.

He said: “It’s very touching people are inspired to raise money to help.”

The NSE funds research and helps epilepsy sufferers and their families.

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