The distraught friend of a 73-year-old pensioner who suffered internal bleeding on the brain when both were attacked in a street robbery has appealed for witnesses to come forward.

Veronika Smith, 69, also suffered a swollen right eye and bruising on her back when she was flung into a wall during the assault on Saturday, May 23.

Both women were returning home from an evening of singing and dancing at the Benhill Social Club in Oakhill Road, Sutton, when they were attacked along Beddington Gardens, Wallington, at about 10.30pm.

They were approaching the junction with Shotfield when Mrs Smith heard her friend give out a sudden scream and shout, and turned to find a man in a hooded top standing over her with one hand raised and the other on her handbag.

A tearful Mrs Smith said: “I don’t know whether he hit her, but she looked at me full in the face, her eyes shut and she went straight down.”

As the man made off with the handbag Mrs Smith quickly put her friend into the recovery position, but her ordeal was not over as the man returned and grabbed her bag too.

She said: “I told him ‘you can’t get away with this’ and he said ‘you would say that, wouldn’t you?’”

In the struggle Mrs Smith was flung sideways and hit her face on a wall.

The suspect then ran down the alleyway leading to the bridge over the railway line at Wallington station.

Both women were taken to St Helier Hospital. Mrs Smith, who was discharged after a few hours, said her friend was in a serious condition but was now able to sit up in bed.

Detective Constable Tim Budd, of Sutton CID said the suspect was black male, of Afro Caribbean appearance and in his mid 20s.

He said he was about 6ft and of an athletic build, spoke with a deep voice and was wearing a light coloured, possibly grey, hooded top.

He said police were keen to trace two bags: a black handbag – a small round zip up bag with handles containing a tan coloured clasp purse with £30 cash, credit cards and an old Nokia mobile phone.

They are also seeking a red handbag.

Witnesses should call 020 8649 0747 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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