Pictures of a changing community have been revisited in a new Wimbledon history book.

Merton, Morden and Wimbledon - drawings and notes from the Wimbledon Borough News 1928 to 1931 features the work of Vincent Lines, an artist who produced illustrations of the borough for our local newspaper.

An exhibition accompanying the book is also set to open at the Wimbledon Society Museum on Lingfield Road this Saturday.

A spokesman for publishers the Wimbledon Society Museum Press said the book captured the pivotal years when the borough’s towns and villages were transformed “from sleepy Surrey villages into bustling suburbs of the metropolis”.

Wimbledon Guardian readers can buy a discounted version of the book - either by postal order or by picking it up from the museum or at this weekend’s Wimbledon Village Fair.

Readers should send a cheque for £9.24 (including postage), payable to AAPPL, to Vincent Lines Offer, Church Farm House, Wisley, Surrey, GU23 6QL.

Alternatively, take this newspaper to the museum on Saturdays and Sundays from 2.30pm to 5pm to get a copy for £7.99.

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