Students studying First Diploma in Art and Design at Kingston College have been given the valuable opportunity of having their work displayed in the retail shop at Kew Gardens. Students were given six weeks to develop a final effective design for a bag. All the images used were based on drawings of natural forms made on a research trip to Kew’s Princess of Wales Conservatory and The Palm House.

Work was submitted by 57 students and, out of this, a total of 20 bags and 10 linocut prints have been selected for display. They will be on show in the retail shop for two weeks from June 20.

Sylvia Reitzema, Course Leader First Diploma at Kingston College, said: "Last year there was a great deal of interest to the Bags at Kew by the general public. Students have been very enthusiastic at the thought of having their bags and prints selected and placed on display in the retail shop in Kew Gardens.

“It gives them the real sense of the importance of image, design and communication and seeing for real how their product can be realised in its final form."

Student Aaron Nelson added: “I am very excited and surprised that my bag and my print were both selected to be displayed at Kew. I plan to take my family to Kew to show them.”