The Elmbridge Community Safety Partnership is warning the public not to let their gardens become rich pickings for criminals.

Thefts from garages and sheds have increased dramatically in the past two months, going up by 53 per cent to 110 offences compared with the same period last year.

The items stolen were mainly tools, garden equipment or pedal cycles, which find a ready second hand market and are also easily disposed of.

In an effort to respond, the partnership has produced an advice leaflet for residents giving advice on shed and garage security, as well as tips for improving garden security.

The leaflets will be available at all of the borough’s police stations, as well as the Civic Centre in Esher High Street within the next week.

Peter Kipps, the partnership’s manager, said: “Hopefully residents will find the information contained in the leaflets useful in helping to stem the increase in this crime.

“However, carrying out the simple measures we have been promoting for several years, such as marking their property so it is less attractive for resale or ensuring items such as pedal cycles or mowers are locked together, would go a long way to reducing this type of crime.”

People who have any community safety issues or would like further information can contact the team in confidence on 01372 474399/4393/4398 or email

Or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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