Plans to rid Sutton town centre of flocks of pampered pigeons could be grounded by the costs of unleashing a mercenary hawk.

Local committee members have proposed introducing a high-flying predator to stop the birds befouling buildings around Millennium Gardens.

But they will first need to consider the feasibility of paying £3,500 to hire a hawk for a fortnight, then a further £300 a day.

Others deterrents, to be discussed at Thursday night's meeting, include fitting anti-perching spikes to gutters and imposing £80 littering fines.

Janet Lowne, committee chairwoman, said: “Pigeons cause a real nuisance around the high street and, for many years, local people have spoken to me about the problem.

“Six different ways of dealing with the problem will be presented to the committee.

“A hawk could be flown to deter the pigeons. Other options are to put up signs asking people to not feed them.”

“It may be we need to look at a package of different measures and I’d urge as many local people as possible to come to the meeting and take part in the debate.”

The Save the Pigeons Campaign suggested bird droppings and feathers would be reduced only by eliminating food sources.

Concerns that the plans would shelve rather solve the problem were also raised in a report by Dan Jones, head of street scene strategy.

It said: “The measures would likely be effective in deterring the pigeons away from the town centre, however, it is likely that this will only result in the pigeons relocating nearby, eg, at the railway station.”

“Initial quotes indicate the hawk flying would cost about £3,500 for an initial two-week period, with the need to return for two-hour sessions at £300.”

The meeting is being held at the Salvation Army Church, Benhill Avenue, from 7.30pm.

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