The waiting list for allotments in Wandsworth is among the longest in England, according to documents released this week.

More than 1,500 borough residents are on the waiting list for just 385 plots, putting Wandsworth in the top ten boroughs for long waiting lists.

The documents were obtained under the Freedom of Information act as part of a national survey by gardening enthusiasts Margaret and Ian Campbell from West Kirby.

Experts say the popularity of allotments in Wandsworth reflects a new craze for grow-your-own gardening in response to climate change fears.

Gardener Lucy Neal, 52, from Tooting, said: “We live in an overwhelmingly confusing world where we are being bombarded with what’s happening to our planet. It’s about people wanting to take charge of things.”

Ms Neal is chairman of Transition Town Tooting, one of many local organisations encouraging residents to grow their own food to reduce the environmental effects of transporting produce.

Wandsworth Council is resorting to innovative ways of dealing with the mania, matching people on the allotment waiting list with pensioners who cannot take care of their gardens.

Under the Garden Partners scheme, the first in the country, the partners decide jointly what should be grown, and share the produce.

Councillor Jim Madden, cabinet member for adult care services, said: “This is such an obvious solution, I’m surprised we didn’t think of it before.

Gardening has been proven to be very therapeutic and a way to help the disabled as well as the elderly to remain active and enjoy a full life.

“This scheme reduces the allotments waiting list, helps older people take care of their gardens and encourages people to get to know older people and become friends with them.”

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