A fashion organisation has won its fight to stay in Croydon after its tax bill was chopped.

Croydon Council has agreed to grant discretionary rate relief to Fashion Enter, a not-for-profit body that gives advice and training to people wanting to get into the fashion industry, marking the end of a three-year battle over the company's training role.

Fashion Enter will receive 70 per cent relief on its business rates as a result of the move.

Jenny Holloway, Fashion Enter's founder and director, said the tax relief had made "all the difference".

She said: "Without it, we would have had to leave. We just couldn't afford to stay. But we opened in Croydon and we wanted to stay there."

Fashion Enter was established in 2006 and, as well as providing training, sells collections on behalf of aspiring designers.

It was recently given a concession in Allders in Croydon and operates a boutique in the Centrale centre, a factory and premises elsewhere in the country.

The company also works with schools and colleges, giving seminars and workshops on fashion.

Harold Tillman, chairman of the British Fashion Council and owner and chairman of both Allders and the Jaeger fashion brand, has given his backing to the company and was responsible for Fashion Enter's Allders concession.

Mr Tillman, who grew up in the Croydon area, said he was very pleased Fashion Enter's future was secure.

Asked about his role in Fashion Enter's success, he said: "I want to help young designers and people wanting to get into the fashion industry in any way I can."

Miss Holloway said Croydon had been a successful base for Fashion Enter.

"We've got some wonderful local designers who sell really well in our boutiques. There are a lot of people who are highly creative here who come in because they need more practical, business advice."

She explained membership had reached an all-time high, with the recession leading to an increase in interest in fashion careers.

Miss Holloway said people who had been made redundant were taking the opportunity to follow their dreams.

Fashion Enter hopes to offer even more training in the future.

Miss Holloway said the company aims to provide work-related-learning for new diplomas being introduced by the government in art and media and retail.

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