A crime fighter has been awarded £1,000 to help improve safety in her neighbourhood.

Dianna Fraser, from Shirley, recently trained as a community crime fighter learning skills to help police and the council.

She successfully applied for a community crime fighters fund, which was set up by the Home Office to help local volunteers to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in their neighbourhoods.

The £1,000 grant will be used to fund Shirley safer neighbourhood panel to help raise awareness about what is being done in the local area.

So far over £30,000 has been awarded in grants to 35 groups across England and Wales.

The Government’s neighbourhood, crime and justice adviser Louise Casey said: “Local people are the key to tackling crime and antisocial behaviour – they know what is really going on their in neighbourhood, what the real problems are and where residents’ concerns lie.

"By awarding the grants to local people who are already active in their communities we can help make their communities safer.”

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