Hinchley Manor Operatic Society is celebrating its 60th anniversary and wants men as its birthday gift.

The amateur theatre group was founded in 1949 by a small band of employees from the Milk Marketing Board, in Thames Ditton.

They were all enthusiastic members of the board’s theatrical group, which was disbanded earlier that year when it fell victim to post-war austerity.

It is still going strong but desperately needs more men to join their cast.

A spokesman said: “We are sure that anyone who has considered being on stage in a musical, will get masses of enjoyment and satisfaction from being part of this production. Do not let the word operatic put you off from joining, as the society does not perform operas.”

The society performed Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Lolanthe” at the Thames Ditton Village Hall on March 14, 1950.

In the past 60 years the company has performed everything from Chess to We Will Rock You and its latest production, The Likes of Us, goes ahead at Ewell’s Adrien Mann theatre in October.

They are looking for boys aged between 15 to 19 for the production.

Visit hmos.org.uk for information on how to join.

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