A second “probable” case of swine flu has been discovered in Croydon.

The first patient in the borough, who had recently returned from America, was identified on June 8.

And now a second patient, a boy who attends an out of borough school, was flagged as probably suffering from the virus on June 16.

He is being treated with anti-virals at home.

Close contacts of both patients were offered anti-viral drugs as a precautionary measure.

This is the standard procedure in swine flu cases, as directed by the Health Promotion Agency.

Last week, the Department of Health said there were nearly 1,600 confirmed cases of swine flu in the UK. It said cases in the UK have so far been generally mild in most people, but are proving to be severe in a small minority of cases.

But a 38-year-old woman from Glasgow, who had recently given birth, became the first British person to die of the virus on June 14.

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