A group of students are cycling from John O’ Groats to Land’s End next month to raise funds for the Royal Mardsen Hospital in Belmont.

Chris Primett, Will Taylor, Chris Price, Billy Bates and James Russell were inspired by the memory Tom Sewell, who died in a car crash last year.

The friends, all aged 19 or 20, plan to cover the 1,000-mile route in two weeks, while blogging about their exploits at tripview.co.uk/tomsewell/bike/trip.

Tom’s mum, Linda Sewell, said: “They are a fantastic group of young men and I really think they should be incredibly proud of what they are going to achieve.

“Tom was a rugby fanatic and his team, the Weybridge Vandals, supports Rugby Fighting Children’s Cancer, which raises money for the Marsden, so it seemed fitting their cycle marathon would benefit patients at the hospital.”

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