Determined the chairman of the Banstead Ex-Round Tablers Club, Keith Pollock, should not feel like a fish out of water, fellow members chose the newly re-opened Seine Rigger fish and chip restaurant as their meeting place recently.

The Banstead Round Table folded about eight years ago due to falling numbers but around 20 of the former members still continue their friendship.

Keith Pollock said “We have a great time continuing our friendship with a whole programme of monthly meetings and other social events including sport, theatres, concerts and joke telling. In addition we still do a little bit to help local charities.”

This year the club is supporting Sophie’s Fund ( set up by Keith Pollock to help fund activities for local scouts who for various reasons can not participate in scouting events.

Keith’s daughter Sophie sadly died in 2007 from a brain tumour a month before her 15th birthday.

She was an active scout and had been selected as one of the four scouts to represent Banstead at the 2007 World Jamboree.

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