A 71-year-old pensioner had his debit card stolen as he tried to use an ATM cash machine Epsom.

Almost immediately the thieves used the card to take £450 from his account.

Following the incident on Tuesday, June 16, east Surrey police issued a warning to take extra care when using cash point machines.

The victim was trying to use the machine at Sainsbury’s in Kiln Lane at around noon when he was approached by two men who said the machine was not working.

One of the suspects placed a brochure over the screen and continued to tell the victim the machine was not working while the other suspect stood on the other side of the elderly man.

After a couple of minutes the men left and the victim realised his debit card was missing. The victim contacted his bank and was told that £300 had been withdrawn from his account and an hour later, just after 1pm in Tolworth, a further £150 had been debited.

The suspects are described as Asian men wearing dark clothing and baseball caps.

Investigating officer, Detective Constable Colin Snell said: “I believe the two suspects were sat on a bench outside the superstore and deliberately targeted the elderly victim. "I would appeal to anyone who used the store on Tuesday (16 June) between 11.30am and 12.30pm who may have seen two men matching the suspects’ description to come forward.

“I would also like to remind people not to become distracted when using ATMs. "Make sure you check your surroundings at all times when using the machines and if you see anyone loitering nearby cancel your transaction immediately and remove your card.

“This gentleman has been reimbursed by his bank for the money which was fraudulently debited but we need to identify those responsible for this in order to prevent them from striking again. "I would encourage anyone who was out shopping in Kiln Lane, Epsom, on Tuesday, who may remember seeing two men matching the suspects’ description loitering outside Sainsbury’s, to contact Surrey Police.

“These distraction style thefts are taken extremely seriously by Surrey Police but we need your help to bring those responsible for committing this offence to justice.”

Police say: ● If you notice a suspicious device attached to a cash machine, do not remove it – either report it to the bank or to the number which is displayed on the screen
● If someone looks suspicious or gets too close while you are using the cash machine, cancel your transaction and go to another machine
● Do not accept help from strangers and do not let anyone distract you
● Stand close to the cash machine and do not let anyone see you enter your PIN
● If the cash machine does not return your card, report it immediately to your card issuer Anyone with any information regarding this theft is encouraged to contact detectives at Epsom CID on 0845 125 2222 quoting reference EP/09/2857 or Crimestoppers if you wish to remain anonymous on 0800 555 111.

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