Police raids across Wandsworth last week seized three dangerous dogs and a large quantity of cannabis as part of a major crackdown on youth violence and drugs.

Five arrests were made during the dawn raids and £1,200 in cash - believed to be from the proceeds of crime - was also confiscated.

The three dogs, all believed to be illegal pit bulls, were found to be living in squalid conditions.

The Metropolitan Police’s Territorial Support Group (TSG) and Dangerous Dogs’ Unit teamed up with local officers to target people suspected of involvement in youth violence, particularly gangs.

The raids, part of Operation Blunt 2, took place at a number of addresses across the borough including the Patmore Estate, Battersea, where the arrests were made.

One TSG officer said: “The problem we face is that you never know exactly when targets are going to be at the properties. It can be hit and miss at times but our intelligence is good so we’ll catch them in the end.”

A total of 255 people were arrested across London last week following Operation Blunt 2 which took place in all 32 London boroughs.

Commander Mark Simmons, head of Operation Blunt 2, said: "We know that street gangs often play a part in violent attacks on young people. Individuals affiliated to gangs are cowardly, acting in packs and using weapons to target and intimidate others.

“Clearly this is a cause of considerable public concern and the Met has been working hard over the last year to tackle the issue.

"Through intelligence we have identified the individuals we believe are causing the greatest amount harm. We have successfully targeted a number of gangs intent upon causing misery.”

Operation Blunt 2 was launched a year ago in response to the growing number of knife-related deaths in London - so far a total of 5,748 knives have been recovered.

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