An emotional Melanie South insisted there was no one to blame but herself after the New Malden hope crashed out of Wimbledon at the first hurdle on Monday night.

South slumped to an agonising 7-5, 7-6 defeat to world number 87 Mathilde Johansson in near darkness on Court number one after a struggle lasting close to two hours.

But the 23-year-old took little consolation from running a higher-ranked opponent so close.

A teary-eyed South said: “I’m totally gutted.

“It was one of the best draws I have ever had at Wimbledon and I did not make the most of it.

“I’m disappointed with myself.

“There was nothing between us at all and I lost because I did not produce my best tennis.

“I could not have tried any harder and I was really up for it.

“But I just didn’t play as well as I can and that is very upsetting.”

The Surrey star was made to wait all day before finding her clash would take place on the prestigious show court.

And South admitted it had been a privilege to play in the famous arena.

She added: “I was really happy when I found out I would be on Court One, it is just a shame I could not show the fans my best form.

“The crowd were amazing and I am just sorry I could not win for them.”

Both players were informed that Hawkeye was unable to function as the gloom descended on SW19 in the second set, but South refused to accept the conditions were a factor in her defeat.

She added: “It was tough out there and I have never played in those type of conditions before.

“But it is the same for both players and you just have to get on with it.

“I’m pretty upset right now and it will take some time to get over this.

“But I still have the doubles to look forward to so I need to clear my head, get back in the gym and prepare for that.”