Fulham and Hammersmith Council are reporting that three children in the White City area have tested positive for swine flu.

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) confirmed that two pupils who attend Bentworth Primary School have tested positive and are recovering well at home.

Despite possessing the power to shut schools in such circumstances, the HPA has allowed the school to stay open.

Another child from Canberra Primary School has also tested positive for but the HPA has advised that, as this child was not in school while infectious, the school should not close and no Tamiflu distribution is needed.

A council spokesman said: “The schools the children attend are working closely with the health agencies and the local authority, and are following all the advice they are being given.”

“We understand that some parents are very concerned about this news and some are keeping their children at home.

"We are reassured that the two children at Bentworth have had only mild illness and are recovering quickly.”

The HPA are advising that if your child becomes unwell with flu-like symptoms (including high temperature and any two of the following symptoms: cough, runny nose, sore throat, headache, joint/limb pains, diarrhoea or vomiting) please ensure that they stay at home and that you contact your GP as soon as possible.

• Do you know more? Let us know by email here, phone the newsdesk on 020 8330 9555 or leave a comment below.

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