A block of New Malden flats had to be evacuated after a father’s day barbecue set a garage ablaze.

Firefighters were called to Poplar Grove on Sunday, June 21, to a fire they said started after a barbecue was put away before it had properly cooled down.

The fire spread to furniture stored in the garage and the building was totally destroyed, watch manager Ben Jeffcott said.

Two fire engines were called to the scene about 3.53pm and about 20 people were evacuated from flats nearby, being allowed to return an hour later.

Mr Jeffcott said it was the first barbecue-related fire he had tackled this summer and warned people to make sure the fire and embers are fully extinguished before being moved inside.

He said: “Normally for barbeqce-related fires it is garden fences or surrounding bushes. People tend to get a bit over excited about getting them going.”