Chessington wheelchair athlete Jack Binstead raced into first place in the London Youth Games last week - taking his medal count to 32 at the tender age of 12.

Jack, who has brittle bone disease, represented Kingston and completed the 100m race in 25 seconds, taking the gold medal at Mile End stadium, East London.

He also won a silver medal for the 200 metre race on Thursday, June 18.

His mother Penny Binstead puts his recent success down to 2009 being the first year that he has not needed an operation since he was seven years old.

He has metal rods in his legs and often has to have his bones broken when the rods are inserted.

She said: “For the first time in seven years he is attempting to stand and take a few steps. You don’t realise how tall he’s got because he’s always in the chair. It’s really emotional to see.”

His bravery has earned him several appearances on the Paul O’Grady show and he was dubbed one of Britain’s most inspirational children on Trisha Goddard’s Channel Five talk show earlier this year.

Jack, who trains at least four times a week, wants to turn professional but insists that he does not want to become a full-time athlete, but get qualifications as a surgeon or actor as well.

He said: “I’m aiming for the Paralympics in 2012. If I get in then brilliant, if I don’t then I’ll cheer everyone on and 2016 will be my year for sure, because I’ll be 20 years old and as strong and fit as I can be.”

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