Extra police have been drafted on to the streets of Hounslow after two boys were stabbed within 48 hours.

Alarming figures show knife crime has almost doubled in Hounslow in the last four weeks with only 11 per cent of offenders being caught and punished.

Police have drafted in seven extra officers to patrol crime hot spots after two stabbings, one which left a 14-year-old boy fighting for his life.

Communities were left shocked last week when a 14-year-old was repeatedly stabbed in leafy Redlees Park, Isleworth, on June 17.

Just two days later a teenager was knifed in Chapel Road, Hounslow, after a gang brawl broke out.

Police are not linking the two attacks and have stepped up patrols to prevent more Hounslow stabbings.

In April there were 18 knife offences in Hounslow, compared with 34 in May, and although figures for June show a slight decrease officers are being encouraged to use stop and search powers, have sent liason officers to schools and will use a portable metal detector - a knife arch - to catch people carrying knives.

Despite the rocketing figures, Hounslow police said the borough does not have a knife problem.

A police spokesman who looked at the data admitted there had been a “sharp rise” in knife crime but could not explain why.

He said: “While compared with some other London boroughs, Hounslow does not have a knife problem, police are determined to prevent further incidents taking place.

"In addition to officers already working at Hounslow, police will deploy an extra seven officers to patrol the area. The officers will be briefed on all the tactics available to them including the appropriate use of stop and search powers.

"We are also working with our neighbouring stations to share intelligence and reduce this problem.”

A 14-year-old boy from Chiswick has appeared in court charged with the Isleworth stabbing and remanded in secure accommodation.

Renato Costa, 18, of Wolfgarden, Isleworth, was charged with affray in Chapel Road and released on bail.

Abdelouahmed Ofkir, 19, of Broadwalk, Hounslow, was also charged with affray in Chapel Road and remanded in custody to reappear at Feltham Magistrates’ Court on Friday.