Richard Ottaway is fighting for his political life after local party members demanded he resign over the MPs’ expenses scandal.

The Croydon South MP has been accused of “fleecing the taxpayer” after claiming tens of thousands of pounds in expenses on a second home which is further away from the Houses of Parliament than his main Westminster residence.

He is the only one of the three Croydon MPs to claim for a second home, which is 21 miles from Westminster where he already owns two properties.

A senior Croydon Conservative party official yesterday revealed “a number” of Croydon South members have already contacted the Conservative branch office to demand Mr Ottaway stands down at the next election.

House of Commons records show Tory Mr Ottaway spent £8,825,75 on landscaping the gardens at his four-bedroom £467,100 country pile in Bletchingley between April 2004 and March 2008.

He also claimed for half of the cost of a £5,395 bed bought from Harrods in Knighstbridge to treat a “chronic back condition”.

Mr Ottaway also claimed more than £1,000 on shower repairs, £206.80 repairing a television aerial and even bought a £49.95 toaster using public cash.

Joining calls for Mr Ottaway to stand down was Labour council opposition leader Councillor Tony Newman.

He added: “For the sake of the reputation of Croydon’s politics, regardless of political party, I believe Richard Ottaway should stand down with immediate effect.

“The vast majority of Croydon’s Conservative councillors are members of Mr Ottaway’s constituency and I am calling on them to end their silence, act now and demand his immediate resignation.”

Croydon Central and South Conservative Federation election agent Ian Parker said any calls for Mr Ottaway to stand down will be logged.

He added he felt the number of people demanding Mr Ottaway out was not indicative of the feeling of all party members.

Mr Ottaway will have to face the wrath of local Tories when he has a make-or-break meeting with local party members culminating in a vote of confidence.

His expenses claims will also be investigated by Tory leader David Cameron’s team.

Mr Ottaway refused to speak to the Croydon Guardian but on his website he defended the use of the second homes allowance.

He said he decided to buy the home “close to the constituency so that I could become closely involved in the affairs of Croydon South and be effective in representing my constituents”.

MP for Croydon North Malcolm Wicks falls under the “saint” section of the Daily Telegraph’s expenses file.

He claimed no second home allowance and has published an account of his expenses on his website for the last financial year which mostly consist of office costs.

Andrew Pelling, Croydon Central MP, did not claim a second home allowance and was one of the least expensive MPs last year.

He did spend £200 on cups of tea for visitors to his Westminster office which are included in his 2007/8 office costs and £1,838.88 on upgrade, support and security for his website.

Ottaway expenses

Between March 2004 and April 2008, Mr Ottaway claimed for:
• Mortgage: £22,333.96
• Food: £10,548.66
• Cleaning: £5,730.33
• Gardening: £8,825.75
Individual claims:
• Repair a tractor tyre: £50
• Speakers for a sound system: £249
• Modifications to scarifier (used to aerate soil in lawns) £48.50
• Lightbulbs: £59.99
• Shower repairs: £456.86
• Bed: £2,650 (half of the total cost £5,395)

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