Two intrepid riders were waved off on their whistlestop tour of Europe by Croydon’s bishop.

The Rt Revd Nick Baines, blessed bikers John Hale and Andy Thomas for their 12 countries in six days trip on Friday, June 12.

Mr Hale, husband of Croydon councillor, Lynne Hale, and Mr Thomas set off to ride through France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and the UK.

Mr Hale said: “We are thrilled to bits with the support, sponsorship and interest being shown in our ride.

“It is very humbling that even in these difficult economic times, people recognise the dire situation which many in Africa experience on a day to day basis in accessing basic healthcare.”

The bike ride is a sponsored event which aims to raise money for the Riders for Health charity.

The target is to raise £20,000 to go towards the building of a motorcycle workshop in Harare, Zimbabwe.

This will provide a base for the maintenance and supply of small motorbikes for health workers to enable them to deliver health care to people living in the hard-to-reach villages of Zimbabwe.

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