When it comes to volunteering for the community, Jane Janman could be considered an expert.

Always on hand to provide needed help at work or in her family’s lives, Mrs Janman, 40, who lives in south Croydon, is committed to offering a helping hand wherever she can.

Husband Barry Janman, 52, a BT employee, nominated Mrs Janman for Croydon Champions as a community champion, for spending more than 400 hours in attendance of committee meetings and events for both her son’s school and scout group in the past four years.

Mr Janman said: “She never complains and is always willing to put her hand in and get up to her elbows. She deserves some recognition.”

When Mrs Janman’s 10-year-old son Andrew started school, she became a member of the Selsdon Primary and Nursery School parents association, known as Friends of Selsdon Primary.

As part of the committee Mrs Janman aided frequent fundraisers for the pupils and parents, which aimed to raise money for extra materials, events and equipment which would enrich the children’s school lives.

The money raised has been put towards the purchase of a new emission-free minibus, bikes for reception classes, dictionaries, a trim trail and equipment for an allotment.

The participation in Friends of Selsdon Primary is time-consuming, but after four years Mrs Janman is still eager to help out.

Shocked her husband had secretly nominated her, Mrs Janman said: “It’s something my parents did, so when I became friendly with other parents at the school I wanted to help them out with whatever they planned to do.”

Despite working for the NHS and helping out at Selsdon Primary School, Mrs Janman still finds time to volunteer at the local scout group Andrew belongs to.

Even after three years of attending scout meetings and supporting her son’s commitment to the group, Mrs Janman still enjoys mucking in to help out and plans to assist other parents in cooking and supervising the young children on an upcoming camping weekend.

Do you know someone who should be nominated as a Croydon Champion? Visit croydonguardian.co.uk/croydonchampions