A leisure and sports centre in Carshalton which offers free swimming for pensioners was highly commended in a quality assessment.

Westcroft Leisure Centre, managed by company GLL on behalf of Sutton Council, scored highly for quality in its latest assessment by Quest, the UK quality scheme for sport and leisure.

After the assessment, of health and safety, business management, continuous improvement and cleanliness, Westcroft was awarded 75 per cent, 3 points higher than its last assessment.

Coun Graham Tope, executive member for leisure at Sutton Council, said: “These assessment results recognise the hard work and dedication of all our leisure centre staff.

“Westcroft is an excellent leisure centre and a great resource for local residents. Congratulations on an outstanding result.”

Mark Basker, Partnership Manager for GLL, said: “We are thrilled that the Westcroft team’s hard work has been recognised; the centre truly deserves its move up to the highly commended accreditation bracket. The Quest assessment includes all aspects of the workings of the centre, and I would like to congratulate every single member of staff involved and thank the team for their consistent hard work and attention to detail.”

Quest is the UK quality scheme for sport and leisure – the industry definition of good practice and high standards. Quest is recommended by the British Quality Foundation for Self Assessment in Sport and Leisure Operations.

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