Youngsters showed an appetite for healthy eating during a special supermarket visit last week.

Overweight children aged seven to 13 visited Sainsbury’s in Wimbledon with their families as part of the MEND programme - a free scheme helping young people become slimmer and healthier through exercise and better eating.

Last Tuesday they learnt how to check whether food is good for them, and tried some tasty fruit that can replace unhealthy snacks.

The Wimbledon programme manager, Gina King, said: “Giving people this knowledge will stop them from being over their ideal weight and make them a lot fitter and healthier.

“The supermarket tour is a key component of the programme, where families can put into action what they’ve learned and try new things.”

For more information about the scheme call 0207 231 7225.

• Got a young family? See our Families section for top hints and help