A group of students from three Hampton schools have been discussing the best new novels for children.

The students, who attend Hampton Community College, Lady Eleanor Holles School and Hampton School - all in Hanworth Road, Hampton - have been meeting regularly in each others’ schools to discuss their favourite novels as part of the Carnegie Readers’ Scheme.

Louise Rawstorne, the Hampton School teacher involved in the scheme, said: “At first the students were reluctant to engage with one another, but we told them the meetings would be like speed-dating without the date and they really enjoyed discussing their favourite books.”

The students eventually chose Patrick Ness’ novel Knife of Never Letting Go as the winner.

Students across the country have been meeting to judge their favourite novel published this year, to see if they agree with the Carnegie judges’ verdict announced later in the year.

The results of their deliberations are published this week to conclude the scheme, which was aimed at encouraging teenagers to read.

Mrs Rawstorne said: “We should particularly mention the three schools’ librarians. They wanted to break down any stereotypical preconceptions that the pupils had of each other and encourage wider reading.”

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