Swine Flu has been confirmed at a Whitton primary school.

A number of children at Nelson Primary School have contracted the virus, which has been declared a global pandemic.

In a statement posted on the school’s website headteacher Paul Brackley said: “As you know, we have had a number of children with presumed and confirmed swine flu in the past week.

“We have taken advice from the Health Protection Agency in order to assess the public health risk.

“As there are a number of children absent with flu-like symptoms, the Agency’s advice is that, in these circumstances, there would be no public health benefit in closing the school because the virus has already been transmitted. Please be reassured that this has proven to be a mild illness and people are recovering well.”

He requested that any pupils or staff who have flu-like symptoms should stay at home and contact their GP for assessment or NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 for advice.

“Those who do not have symptoms can undertake their normal activities outside of the home”, he added.

Mr Brackley was not available to speak when contacted by the Richmond and Twickenham Times.

Councillor Malcolm Eady, Richmond Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Education said: “Richmond Council is following advice from the latest updated advice from the Health Protection Agency, which is that schools with confirmed cases of swine flu should stay open, but that pupils at individual schools who are showing symptoms should remain at home until they are completely recovered.

“This means unaffected children can continue with their education and those that have become ill can recover at home and they will have support to catch up when they return to lessons.”

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