One half of former busking duo, the Dualers, has said he would cancel his upcoming gig at the IndigO2 Arena if it would bring back the king of pop.

Simon Cranstoun and his brother Tyber rose to stardom after busking on the streets of Croydon.

Last week the Croydon Guardian revealed how the duo were asked to cut their July gig short because Michael Jackson wanted to hold an after-show party when they were scheduled to perform.

Now, after the shocking revelation about Michael Jackson’s death, Mr Cranstoun has said he would cancel his upcoming gigs just to have the legend back.

Mr Cranstoun said: “I am still spaced-out after hearing the news, I’m absolutely shocked.

"I went to see him on both the Bad Tour and the Dangerous Tour when I was a teenager and I can honestly say he inspired me.

“I’d happily cancel our gig if it would bring back Michael, he was a legend and an inspiration to billions, it was Michael Jackson who seduced me into the world of music."

The Dualers started out life busking on Croydon’s streets which is where Mr Cranstoun met the woman who would later become his wife and the mother of his three month old daughter, Tiva.

Mr Cranstoun said: “This is a huge loss to the music world, despite the rumours he was and always will be a music legend. I am absolutely gutted.

To find out more information about the upcoming Dualers gig or to buy tickets, go to

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