Special children’s events are being held at Kingston Museum during schools’ summer break.

The first is Kings and Queens on July 23, when children can make their own crowns or princess hats, and have their pictures taken with Snap the Dragon, between 1.30pm and 4.30pm.

No need to book, and no charge.

Trained experts will be there all day on July 30 for Fight!, a sword-fighting workshop for ages eight and above. Cost £3 per child, and booking essential on 020 8547 6460.

On August 6, at 1pm and 2.30pm, children will help a knight into his suit of armour and make one of their own. Cost £2 per child, and booking essential on the number above.

August 13 brings Medieval Moves, when experts will be on hand all day to teach Tudor dances to ages eight and above. Cost £2 per child and booking essential on number above.

For dozens more events, visit surreycomet.co.uk/events