Always Look on the Bright Side of Life is the nation’s favourite song to sing in the shower because of its jaunty rhythm and optimistic lyrics, according to one Kingston University lecturer.

An estimated 4.75m Brits sing in the shower every week, with the favourite day to exercise vocal chords being Saturday.

Also in the top 10 favourites were Wonderwall by Oasis, Poker Face by Lady Gaga, Rihanna’s Umbrella and Dancing Queen by Abba.

Senior university lecturer Philip Chambon said of the nation’s favourite shower song: “The chorus is virtually all on one note and the verse is semi-spoken so it’s catchy and easy to sing “The whistling adds to its cheerfulness and the chorus has several voices singing together, creating a rousing sing-a-long quality, perfect for the shower.

“The positive attitude in the face of adversity sentiment, as well as the whistling and over-the-top cockney sing-along element, is something that would appeal to the Brit character.”