Two schools in the area now have children who tested positive for swine flu.

Two children tested positive at High View Primary School on Wednesday and parents received a letter today from Wallington High School for Girls to warn them about the flu cases.

Sutton and Merton PCT said today there are five confirmed swine flu cases in Sutton.

A mother said: “I’ve just got a letter from Wallington High School for Girls saying there are swine flu cases there. My daughter goes there and I’m disgusted that they sent a letter instead of telling us straight away.”

The children at High View Primary School in Wallington were taken ill after attending a residential activity centre programme last week.

A “significant number” of other students are absent from the school after showing flu-like symptoms.

Headteacher Elizabeth Brailsford said the school would not be closed because the virus had already been transmitted.

However mothers on a internet networking site for parents in Sutton raised concerns about the policy and the way in which parents had been informed.

One mother said: “My little boy goes to High View, but as of Tuesday when we found out I have not sent my little boy back to school until I’ve heard of more results from the other 30 odd kids that are off with flu-like smyptoms.

“What makes me so cross is that they have carried on sending the siblings to school, which is wrong and if there are any other confirmed cases then I think they should shut the school.”

Another said: “That is really scary considering how many vulnerable age groups come into contact with a school i.e babies, pregnant mums and elderly people.

“I thought it was policy to close the whole school down until confirmed cases clear.”

High View Primary School is a non-denominational school for 470 children.

Mrs Brailsford said: “The Health Protection Agency’s advice is that as symptoms have been reported in a significant number of children, in these circumstances, there would be no public health benefit in closing the school because the virus has already been transmitted.

“Almost everyone in other areas who has contracted swine flu have had minor symptoms and made a full recovery.

“We will continue to monitor the situation very closely and if appropriate take action as recommended by the HPA.”

Councillor Tony Brett Young said parents were advised to keep an eye on their child for symptoms and to telephone their GP or NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 for assessment.

He said: “Children should stay at home until they are well and symptom free.

“Those who do not have symptoms should continue their normal daily routines.”

A spokesman for Sutton and Merton PCT said: “We do have a small number of confirmed cases of H1N1 in Sutton and Merton. "If you have flu symptoms call your GP or NHS Direct on 0845 4647. Do not go to your GP or hospital. A healthcare professional will come and see you in your home if this is necessary.”

Are you the parent of the affected child or a concerned parent of a child at the school? If so contact the newsroom on 0208 330 9541