The latest application for the redevelopment of Tileman House in Puyney has been submitted by architects Casey Jones.

According to Wandsworth Council website, the developers are proposing a building between eight and 15-storeys to provide 89 flats - 22 of which would be given over to affordable housing.

Alterations from the last application,which was withdrawn before it reached the council’s planning committee, include a reduction in height of the rear block by two storeys and the loss of 10 residential units.

Carey Jones withdrew its previous application in April, only six months after submitting the initial proposals.

Tileman House is on the south side of Upper Richmond Road, opposite the Brazilian Naval Commission and close to the crossroads with Putney High Street.

A consultation runs until July 6 and the application is expected to be considered by the planning committee on August 20.

Residents can view the plans on the council’s website under planning application number 2009/1773.

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