Since 2005, the ‘Friends of Agnes Riley Gardens’ have been inviting corporate volunteers to help them develop the Site of the old ‘Lodge House, Poynders Road’, which had long since fallen into disrepair. a “Sensory Garden”. Every year, they would plough the weeds down, only to have them grow back again within a few weeks. Local resident, Vernon De Maynard (Vice Chair of Clapham Park West Residents Association) Local residents felt that they should take ownership and responsibility for their own lived environment, and made enquiries with the ‘Friends of Agnes Riley Gardens’ to further develop the site. After had securing funding from ‘Capital Community Foundation’, Clapham Park West Residents Association’ has been working in collaboration with the ‘Friends of Agnes Riley Gardens’ and Poynders Garden TRA to further the develop a “Community Garden”. Local residents ‘Dolly’, ‘Terry’, ‘Vernon’, ‘Natasha’, ,’Roger’, ‘Charlie, ‘Daniela, ‘Taran’, and ‘Tarell’, ‘Ashley’, and ‘Gus’ and ‘Sigel’ have come together and each taken responsibility for a part of the Community Garden, and together we are building something for the enjoyment of the whole neighbourhood. Lots of people passing bye comment on how hard we have transformed the space, and have complimented us on the improvement we are making to our lived environment. In the autumn, we hope to have a ‘Harvest Event’ to celebrate the fruits of our labour. Next year will be a bumper Harvest!