NHS Kingston has refused to reveal the location of its allocated swine flu drug provider in the interests of security.

Selected pharmacies across the capital have been chosen to stock and dispense antiviral medicines such as Tamiflu, as the number of infected Londoners rises.

More than 2,900 people in the UK have contracted the flu, with London being the second worst affected area, and NHS London has identified one pharmacy in each borough to stock the drugs.

The director of public health at NHS Kingston said: “In line with NHS London advice we have arranged access for antivirals prescribed by GPs. As there are security issues at present we are not disclosing the location of the facility.

“Because they are thought to be sought after. Some members of the public think by taking the antiviral drugs they will prevent the illness.”

They said the location is not to be disclosed to anyone, including pharmacists themselves, in line with advice.

On Thursday, the total number of swine flu cases in London had risen to 681, with 153 new cases on Wednesday alone.

A spokesman for NHS London said: “GPs will clinically assess people with flu-like symptoms to determine who needs treatment and if so issue a prescription for antiviral treatment on the spot. This prescription can then be exchanged for anti-viral drugs at the nearest designated pharmacy.”

They played down the security risk and explained: “It’s not really a security issue but we don’t want to advertise the locations because we don’t want people turning up en masse and trying to stockpile the drugs. We’re just trying to make sure that the people who need medication can get it.”

The health authority asked people to remain calm and not to restrict their normal movement unless advised by a GP.

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