Squatters who have taken over the Brentford home of MPs Ann and Alan Keen today said they wouldn't budge until the pair apologised for wasting taxpayers cash.

The group, who moved in on Saturday, have had "overwhelming" support from neighbours - one even donated a barbeque.

The three-floored house - the couple's "main home" - has been empty for the past six months while it is being renovated.

Today Mr and Mrs Keen said they found the squatters actions "extremely upsetting" and said they were working to reslove the situation and trying to get back into their house.

A squatter, who would only give his name as Joe, 27, said: "The Keens are disgraceful. There are 10,000 people on the housing list in Hounslow and these people have an MP, a member of parliament, who is wasting this property.

"It is disgusting. We have moved in so people can see what is going on. This home is wonderful, anyone would be grateful to have a home like this.

"It is important Alan and Ann Keen realise their constituents are angry. We were speaking to one neighbour who said he had seen them three times in four years and he is their supporter so he is looking for them."

Mr and Mrs Keen claim a dispute with builders is forcing them to live at their £750,000 second home on the River Thames and pledged to move back to their constituency home in two months - but the squatters claim the home is fine to live in.

Another squatter, known as "Bob", 17, said: "We will not be leaving until we get an apology from them both. We want them to say sorry for letting everyone down, for ignoring what these people, who they claim to represent, down.

"I even found a shirt of Alan's with the words 'Home Truth' on the corner.

"They voted for Iraq, they voted for ID cards, and all the time they are living in a plush flat taking saunas while claiming this is their home."

The squatters, who said they were told about the empty pad by neighbours, were interrogated by police on Saturday.

Joe said: " The police came within minutes of the guy calling them. They even sent two plainclothes officers. All we want is an apology and I know we are not alone."

Neighbour Duncan Davidson said he supported the squatters.

He said: "There is nothing left in that house, it's in the final fitting stage of building. There were builders there doing work and then they were gone"

Since they moved in over the weekend they have unfurled banners outside the house saying "Reclaiming your taxes" and "500,000 homeless, one million empty homes".

A statement released today on behalf of Alan Keen said: “We have lived in our house in Brentford for more than 22 years. We own the house and all mortgage payments and building work etc have always been paid by us personally. It is our home and has been very special to us for a long time.

"Alan started work on the Great West Road, Brentford in 1963 and Ann, as a nurse, has spent a substantial part of her working life at the West Middlesex Hospital. Long before Ann was elected to Parliament 1997, first as a nurse and then as a nurse and prospective parliamentary candidate our door has always been open for people to ask for help.

"We find it extremely upsetting to know that our house is occupied by squatters who appear to believe that they are entitled to do what they wish in our property.

"Anyone who has experienced the feeling of violation on being burgled will understand the distress caused by intruders who refuse to leave. Obviously, we are working to resolve the situation and get our house back as quickly as possible.”

Alan and Ann Keen could face a long legal battle to get the squatters out of their plush Brentford pad.

Squatting is not a criminal offence and can only be dealt with by the civil courts.

But if either of the pair tries to get into their “main” home when a squatter is there, the MPs could face arrest.

Gaining entry into a house when another person is in possession of the property is a criminal offence punishable by six months in prison or a hefty fine of £5,000.

To get the squatters out the Keens will need to issue a claim in the County Court or in High Court which could take months.

A spokesman said the Keens would not be giving any interviews.

Have you see the squatters? Tell us what you think of their actions by calling 020 8744 4274 or email lbuckland@london.newsquest.co.uk