Police are warning parents to take a tougher line with teenagers after an increase in house parties spilling out of control.

A group of raucous youths were involved in a fracas in West Molesey on Friday, June 19, when planks of wood were used as weapons.

By the time officers arrived, the group had begun to disperse and police have launched an investigation into what happened.

No one was believed to be seriously injured in the incident in the Ray Road and Beauchamp Road area at about 11.45pm.

Neighbourhood officer PC Phil Jebb said: “There is traditionally an increase in offences of this nature over the summer months and I would urge parents of young children to ensure they are aware of their child’s movements at all times.”

He advised people not to advertise parties on social networking websites such as Facebook, put responsible adults on the door and avoid holding them at residential addresses.

Witnesses are asked to call 0845 1252222 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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