Another week of frenetic fundraising has passed as teams in the Croydon Commitment C100 challenge continue to make money.

Current leaders DMC have continued in their pursuit to convert their £100 into as much cash for charity as possible.

They held an event at the Indus restaurant in Banstead on July 6, where more than £2,500 was raised.

Employees, friends and partners enjoyed a curry night and a raffle.

Jon Hill, managing director of DMC, said: “It was an excellent evening with wonderful food during which valuable funds were raised for a cause we all support. As reigning champions of the Croydon 100 Challenge, I am delighted with the effort of the team this year in attempting to retain our title.”

The Lexis Nexis ladies are holding a CD and book sale. They also have an email bingo game lined up.

Mott MacDonald’s team B raised £500 following a football tournament.

Mott MacDonald’s “Wild Bores” team has raised money from doughnut selling, weekly raffles and selling bacon butties outside their offices.

The Newsquesters at Croydon Guardian are finishing their six weeks of fundraising with a barbecue.

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