Thousands of cyclists are set to dust off their bikes for Hounslow’s first Skyride on Sunday.

The 10km route will run through Osterley to Syon Park, where a pontoon bridge has been built for riders to preserve the 17th century crossing.

The Hounslow Skyride is part of London Mayor Boris Johnson's pledge to get more people in outer London boroughs on their bike.

Mr Johnson said: “Hounslow is blessed with some of the most fantastic green spaces, and to misquote Michael Caine ‘not a lot of people know that.

“The Skyride event coming to the borough will allow people from across the capital to discover this hidden gem of West London. At the same time, those that take part will experience the fun of cycling free from interference from cars, sharing in a celebration of the bike – the cleanest, greenest, handiest way of getting about town.”

Hounslow Skyride will take place on Sunday between 11am and 4pm and all roads along the Skyride route will be closed to cars from 9am to 6pm except Thornbury Road and Jersey Road to provide access to Osterley Park.