A former teacher writing his way to recovery through a stroke has had his first book published.

Terence Jenkins, 68, from Crystal Palace, spent his working years as a teacher but was forced to take early retirement when he had a debilitating stroke at the age of 54.

His book of short stories called Return has just been published.

Mr Jenkins said: “I think I would have always started to write, but having a stroke meant that I had long empty days ahead of me to fill. I didn't want to fester, I wanted to use my brain.”

The ex-teacher writes every day, but finishing his debut book Return meant having to be disciplined.

“I write in the morning after a cup of tea. I don't write in the afternoon. I'm always asked if i'll write a novel, but I prefer bite sized chunks, I'm more of a sprinter than a long distance runner,” he said.

Return is a collection of short stories about adultery, betrayal, revenge, love, redemption and the power of dreams. It can be purchased in local book shops and copies can be picked up in local libraries.