By Jenny Bartlett.

In Epsom today there are limited places for teenagers to go. So where do they end up? They are on the streets of Epsom, susceptible to all sorts of trouble. There are not enough youth clubs in Epsom for the amount of teenagers around. There are organisations that do run, for example, Phab on Lintons lane. Phab is a youth club which brings together children of all abilities in a fun environment. There are so many young people wanting to join these youth centres, to socialise with their friends, make new friends and enjoy themselves in a safe atmosphere but there are not enough places for them to go.

We need more of these organisations in Epsom. They allow parents to be assured that their children are in safe hands whilst out with their friends. The other organisations in Epsom, are usually specialised clubs for arts and crafts, music or drama. For example, the Biz Theatre School in the Ebbisham centre. These are organisations that do not serve the same purpose as youth centres and places like Phab. Although they are a great place for the teenagers in Epsom to go, it is for the elite teenagers that have a talent they want to pursue or a hobby they would like to continue, not for the teenagers that would just like to socialise with their friends. Epsom is lacking the youth centres that keep teenagers able to socialise in a safe environment.