Kingston police, Pubwatch and Street Pastors Kingston will hand out advice as part of national personal safety day on October 9 and 10.

The agencies will have a marquee in Clarence Street, and hope to talk to people in the town and encourage them to keep safe at night.

They will be giving away credit card holders with a transport map, as well as “spikeys” flip flops, and safety team advice and mobile phone registration will also be offered by the police.

In the past three years, Street Pastors have removed 16,200 bottles or glasses from the streets, handed out over 350 pairs of flip flops and been out on the streets and put in a total of 6,720 man hours.

There are 48 trained street pastors in Kingston, with four more in training.

The project costs £25,000 per year to run and is funded by local churches, MPS, Kingston Council, pubs and clubs, individual donations and some charity donations.

To donate email or contact Paul Jacobs on 020 8390 9116.

Find out more about the Street Pastors scheme at